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** ——— **
*** ProTERM 1.2 ***
** Released 08/01/96 **
Version 1.2 was the first public release since version 1.0. It included numerous changes such as drag & drop, live scrolling, integrated status bar and chat in terminal window, faster scrollback with deletion, new edit convert filters, and much more.
*** ProTERM 1.2a ***
** Released 08/15/96 **
Version 1.2a was released shortly after 1.2 and corrected some problems which became apparent in the 1.2 release.
* Random Startup Crash
There were cases where 1.2 could randomly crash upon startup depending on some of the file names in the Connect menu. This problem has been corrected in version 1.2a.
* Printing Crash Problem
There was a problem which could cause the software to crash when printing. This is corrected in 1.2a.
*** ProTERM 1.2b ***
** Released 10/15/96 **
Version 1.2b was released approximately two months after 1.2a and incorporated many fixes to problems reported by users of 1.2a. In addition to fixing some bugs, a couple of minor features were added to this version as well:
* ProTERM 1.0 Scrollback Loading
Version 1.2b can load scrollback files from version 1.0 (1.2/1.2a could not). Scrollback files saved by version 1.2b can also be read by version 1.0. Loading a version 1.0 scrollback with 1.2/1.2a made the software unstable and prone to crash.
* Delayed Startup Macros
Version 1.2b fixes a synchronization problem with macros when ProTERM is first launched. Under certain situations, double-clicking a macro file would fail because some of the resident macro files would not have finished loading when the macro started running in version 1.2/1.2a.
* Double-Click Exec Option
The double-click exec option failed to operate in version 1.2/1.2a. This open now operates corrected in version 1.2b.
* Footer Print Control
Version 1.2b includes a new preference called "Include Footer on Printout" which allows you to enable/disable the footer printing. This options replaces the "expansion option #1" selection in 1.2/1.2a.
* Motorola Power 288
There is now a modem driver for the Motorola Power 288 modem.
* PT Style 3D Memory Leak Fixed
Version 1.2b fixes a memory leak in the PT Style 3D module. This leak caused a small bit of memory to get lost every time a button was displayed. This problem could hurt program performance if the software was run for an extended period of time.
* Select-All Works in Terminal Window
Version 1.2b fixes a problem which caused select-all to incorrectly select text in the terminal window. Not a serious problem, but very annoying in version 1.2/1.2a.
* Show Telnet Disconnect Window
The "show disconnect window" option on a Telnet connect resulted in an repetitive number of disconnect windows and you could never close all of them (they kept showing again and again). Version 1.2b correctly shows only a single disconnect window.
* Scrollback Growth Limiting
Version 1.2b now correctly limits scrollback growth to either the given limits or 32000 lines, whichever is lower. In version 1.2/1.2a, it was possible to overrun the given limit and the scrollback would grow to large sizes and then do strange things after passing 32768 lines.
* Menu Manager Bug Fixed
Version 1.2b fixes a bug in the menu manager code which could cause random crashes, especially with large menus built from files. Hard to pin down a pattern to this, but it showed up if a large folder of files was added to something like a connect folder (and thus showed in the connect menu).
* Export File Delete Fixed
Version 1.2b takes care of a problem with export which caused it to malfunction when replacing an existing file (the existing file was deleted, but no new file was saved).
* Cyan Color Problem Fixed
Version 1.2/1.2a had a problem using Cyan as a highlight color on certain Macintosh models (68030/68040 in millions of colors). Instead of displaying in Cyan, the highlight would display using white instead (thus appearing as if there was no highlighting). This problem is corrected in version 1.2b.
* VT/KP F1-F10 Emulation Added
A new keyboard emulation was added to 1.2b which is used with some IBM mainframe configurations to supports word-processing applications. This configuration remaps the VT-100 keypad keys onto the F1-F10 keys.
*** ProTERM 1.2.3 ***
** Release 01/20/97 **
* Changed release naming convention to use strictly numbers instead of trailing letters. The use of letters to indicate sub-version releases proved confusing.
* Fixed CMD_FIND() Resident Library
* Allowed CMD_MACRO() to use window reference for session
* Made remote printing respect the "include footer in printout" preference.
* Changed remote print file capture to prompt user for filename if the user clicks the "timeout" button. If the timeout elapses normally, then a filename is generated automatically (and the file dialog is not displayed).
* Added a "Swap CMD/OPT in Editor" preference to allow the operation of the COMMAND and OPTION keys to be reversed when controlling cursor movement.
* Eliminated "future expansion" option from Preferences dialog. These options were no longer needed since new versions of the software can be released as needed.
* Added ability for macros to open the resource fork of a file. Allows macro code to completely copy a file if needed.
* Added STR_CHOP() function to macros to allow fast way to eliminate white-space from both the beginning and end of a string.
* Sped up IO_COPY() command dramatically when using a character terminator. Provides real improvement in PTMM.
* Revised array macros to make them both zero- and one-based in a more transparent way. They are now compatible with the D_LIST() function.
* Fixed a bug in the find command which caused it to fail when doing a find backwards when the cursor was at the end of a file.
* Made the D_PRESET() function work consistently and as expected.
* Fixed a problem which could cause ProTERM to hang on startup in certain rare situations.
* Fixed a bug which caused the terminal window to display incorrectly and very slowly if memory location zero was set to zero.
* IS_CLASS() functions fixed. Previous versions of these functions were inconsistent at best.
* Changed RESIDENT() so that the syntax RESIDENT("",0,-10) will return the pathname of the currently executing macro (if it is disk based).
*** ProTERM 1.2.4 ***
** Release 6/5/97 **
* Improved multiple monitor support. Corrected zoom and window placement in multiple monitor situations.
* Fixed Home/End in editor so that they do not move the cursor, they just change the view.
* Fixed bug in online time calculation. After 18 hours, the calculation would overflow and display a bogus value.
* Changed Quoted-Printable Conversion to use assume source text is in ISO-LATIN-1 character and to convert to Macintosh character set.
* The following macro files have been expanded and documentation added to explain the use and purpose of the files.
Custom FKey Kit
Resident User Empty
Resident User F5-F10
VT-102 F5-F12 Keys
Custom FKey Kit is a new ProTERM Mac macro set with several examples of how to create F-Key macros that work for you. Special text formatting commands, paste your name to a document or terminal window, open a calendar, URL COMMAND-Click to launch application, special email templates for ProTERM Mac Messenger (PTMM), and more. Additional documentation is in the Macro (open Custom FKey Kit in the ProTERM > Macros folder) and in the ProTERM > Extras > Custom FKey Kit folder.
* New Help files added, and all help files have some revision, some revisions are extensive.
*** ProTERM 1.2.5 ***
** Released 2/1/98 **
* Fixed problem with D_POPUP() macro function. Prior version did not allow
popup menu data to be appended to an existing menu.
* Fixed problem with D_MOVE() macro function. Previous versions did not operate
as expected. The moved items did not get redrawn correctly.
* The maximum number of windows has been increased from a fixed value of 16 to
24 plus a variable number based on free memory. With a 2000K memory size,
approx 32 windows can be opened.
* Fixed a crash problem related to the use of extensions that altered the
appearance of scrollbars.
* Fixed a crash problem related to the use of the OneClick extension.
* The maximum number of open files per macro has been increased from 16 to 32.
* Added several new macro functions including IS_FONT(), IS_RUN(), NUM_OR(),
NUM_AND() and NUM_XOR().
* Fixed a bug in F_OPEN() function which incorrectly returned a Too Many
Arguments error when maximum number of files was opened.
* Fixed formatting of About dialog under later system software revisions.
* Macro synchronization code fixed. All prior 1.2 versions had a problem which
could cause the initial signon sequence of a service to be missed by a logon
macro in certain situations.
* F_SETINFO()/F_GETINFO() now support directories as well as files. Prior
versions only operated on files.
* The SES_SET()/SES_GET() functions can now get/set the number of rows and
columns used by the emulation.
* Fixed a potential crash which could occur during a low-memory situation when
macros were used to create dialogs.
* Fixed a potential crash which would occur on 68000 based Macs when macros
were used to create dialogs.
* Documented some previously undocumented macro functions including DELAY(),
* Added 7N1 as data format.
* Fixed a problem with Telnet that could cause data to fail to start displaying
when a connection was first made.
* Automatically reformats and indexes TTRO files when opened.
Let us know how ProTERM works for you.
InTrec Software, Inc. Sales ___________________ Tech ______
3035 E Topaz Circle 1888/PROTERM tollfree USA Voc:602/992-1345
Phoenix, AZ 85028-4423 602/992-5515 outside USA BBS:602/992-9789